Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sleep consultant?

A sleep consultant is an expert in creating healthy sleep habits using evidence-based techniques while guiding parents through a customized sleep plan that is tailored to their child’s temperament and their family philosophy. A sleep consultant supports and educates parents when working to resolve sleep struggles.

What is sleep training?

Sleep training is the process of teaching a baby or child to fall asleep and stay asleep on their own. When creating a customized sleep plan, I have a variety of methods that I can suggest for your child and family based on your child’s temperament and your family’s philosophy on crying.

Will there be crying?

Each technique will most likely involve some crying; however, we will not be using the traditional “cry it out” approach, where the child is left in their room alone to cry all night. The techniques that I use with clients require different levels of parental involvement with each technique providing loving support to the child. Before we begin we will discuss your comfort level with letting your child cry and base the sleep training technique on this, along with your child’s temperament. It’s also important to understand that crying is one way babies and toddlers communicate so when we change their sleep habits and what they are used to, they will most likely protest a bit by crying. My goal is to get your child the sleep they need with your support so they can experience the many benefits of sleep.

We have tried sleep training before on our own. How will this be different?

The biggest difference between implementing sleep training on your own versus with a sleep consultant is that I will be there to guide, support, educate, and empower you. I will walk you through every step of the process and ensure that you understand exactly what to do to be successful. Prior to implementing the sleep plan, we will have a phone call where I will go through the entire plan with you and answer any questions you have. In addition, you will receive a PDF of your entire sleep plan clearly written out so that you can refer back to it at any point. Having this clear plan can help parents ensure that they implement sleep training consistently and in the correct way. Additionally, having a sleep consultant to support you can create accountability helping you as the parent stay consistent with the plan.

What kinds of sleep struggles can you help with?

I support parents who have children struggling with naps, night wakings, early morning wakings, weaning night feedings, sleeping in their own cribs/beds, and more. I work with children ages 4 months to 7 years old.

Is this a virtual or in-person process?

The entire process is virtual so you can be anywhere in the world! All communication is done via phone and email.

What are your qualifications?

I am a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, certified through The Cradle Coach Academy. The course has over 200 hours of scientific, evidence-based content and mentorship, including 50 hours of volunteer hands-on experience. In addition to my certification, I have a background in elementary education and was a teacher for two years. After teaching, I was a nanny for 4 years. Additionally, I am a mom to a one and four-year-old.